Applies to Cisco CP-7940, CP-7940G, CP-7941G, CP7945G, CP-7960, CP-7960G, CP-7961G, CP-7962G, CP-7965G, CP-7970G, CP-7971G-GE, CP-7975G handsets.
All of the common Cisco desktop handsets can use custom ring tones. This article will explain how to add them to your system. The mechanism is the same for the old & new handsets. Files must be downloaded from a local TFTP server. The available ring tones are listed in a text file. The file has a different name and layout depending on your type of phone – but examples for both are included in the .zip file below.
The ringtones themselves must be .pcm or .raw files. I will add an article shortly with technical details and the process for creating ring tones with Audacity.
A suitable group of audio files has been online for many years here: The files in my .zip (below) were taken from this site. The original README with credits is included.
The CP-7940 & CP-7960 handsets (G & non-G) read the file list from RINGLIST.DAT
The Other Cisco handsets, which use the XML-based configurations, read the list from ringlist.xml
Ringtone Files
TFTP Server
When you use the keypad on the phone to select a new ringtone, the phone will try to retrieve the appropriate ringtone list file from it’s configured TFTP server. Details of how to configure a tftp server in the phone config can be found in this post: SIP XML Configuration Files for Cisco Handsets.
Install The Files
The files should be extracted from the .zip and copied to the ‘home’ folder from where your tftp server will serve them (usually will be /tftpboot).
Change your ringtone
Cisco 7940/7960
Press Settings then Ring Type and you should see the list of available ringtones.
Cisco phones with xml configuration (all the rest)
Press Settings then User Preferences then Rings and you should see the list of available ringtones.
That’s all there is to it!